Thursday, May 31, 2012

CBS News: Astrologers Gaze Into the Future

[I have recently been given a list of the various new coverage UAC2012 received. Some of them, the postcard elves managed to find, but some slipped through our diligent fingers. So the next few posts will consist of news coverage I (and possibly you) may have missed.
 Robin, Postcards from UAC~United Kingdom Branch]

May 24, 2012 11:24 AM

Astrologers gaze into the future in New Orleans

NEW ORLEANS — Will President Barack Obama win re-election? Will the world end Dec. 21, as some say the Mayan calendar predicts? Will the economy ever improve?

If you ask the 1,500 astrologers contemplating planetary alignments this week in New Orleans, the answers are yes, no and yes.

The astrologers, representing 30 countries, are in the city's famed French Quarter for the United Astrology conference held every four years. They say their work goes beyond the entertainment of horoscopes, tarot cards and palm readings, instead relying on in-depth study of the solar system.

This year, there is no shortage of predictions.

"If you thought that the election of 2000 race was crazy, that's nothing compared to what's going to happen in November of 2012," said astrologer Michael Lutin, an astrology columnist for Vanity Fair magazine for 25 years. "Don't count on anything being smooth." 

Read the rest of the article  HERE

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